Since 1950

Spread the Pendleton spirit of friendliness and goodwill!

Main Street Cowboys act as Goodwill Ambassadors to promote and publicize the City of Pendleton and surrounding area.


       The Main Street Cowboys were organized by a group of civic-minded Pendletonians who felt that the many visitors to Pendleton for the Round-Up and Happy Canyon should be extended the hospitality for which the “Old West” is famous.  It was recognized that entertainment should be provided for the people coming to town for the Round-Up, hence the creation of “The Greatest Free Show in the West!”

This tradition was established in 1950.

     Later, the Main Street Cowboys assumed the responsibility for the street decorations during the Round-Up.  As the years rolled by and ideas were generated, the Mainstreeters have assumed the responsibility for the activities listed on the opposite page.

      Throughout the entire period the organization has been supported by businesses and individuals of the area.  The membership is made up of farmers, ranchers, businessmen and civic volunteers interested in the promotion of Pendleton and the surrounding area.

      Today the men in the chartreuse and purple shirts, wearing western hats, are well known throughout the West as the good will ambassadors of Pendleton!  Their equipment, including the calliope, is instantly recognized by hundreds of thousands of people and their deeds are legendary.

      One of the most colorful chapters in Pendleton history has been and is still being written by these dedicated men … 

The Main Street Cowboys!


            The “helping hands”  Mainstreeters are ready to assist, on request, in any public occasion for the betterment of Pendleton and surrounding area.

             Publicists:  The Mainstreeters travel to an average of 20 cities in the North West each year to publicize Pendleton, the Round-Up, and Happy Canyon.

             Decorators:  It’s the Mainstreeters who purchase, maintain, and display the city’s colorful decorations…Flags, Signs and Banners!

             Entertainers:  The Mainstreeters plan, finance and produce “The Greatest Free Show in The West” on main street Pendleton during the Round-Up.

             Dress-up Parade:  When the time comes to get Pendleton area folks in the mood for the Round-Up season each year, the Mainstreeters sponsor the Dress-Up Parade.  The parade which winds through the streets of Pendleton for over two hours features floats and participants from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and other states each year.

The Dress-Up Parade is the Saturday before Round-Up.

 The Greatest Free Show in The West a.k.a. the Main Street Show, is supported through various fund raising events and the generous donations of the businesses and individuals sponsoring the unique Main Street Cowboys signature benches.  These benches line the streets during the Dress-Up parade and are used extensively during the Main Street Show for all the visiting guests in attendance.  These unique benches will also be seen throughout the year at different events and activities supported by the Main Street Cowboys.

      There is an annual active roster of about 50 Mainstreeters who pay all of their own personal expenses, buy their own costumes and are generous to a fault with their time and effort, without remuneration, in carrying out the year-round activities on behalf of the community of Pendleton and the surrounding area.  While the Main Street Show, held on Main Street at Round-Up time, is the largest single “cost” item in the budget, it represents less than half of the total year-round program.  It is still billed as

“The Greatest Free Show in The West”… and it plays to most of Pendleton’s 40,000 plus visitors each Round-Up.